Program Profile


Global Solutions Sustainability Challenge (GSSC) and Global Solutions Conversations (GSC)

  • Undergraduate
  • Graduate
  • Young Adult

IREX's Global Solutions Sustainability Challenge (GSSC) connects participants in the United States, Jordan, and Iraq to virtually collaborate on a sustainable solution to a contemporary business challenge. The Global Solutions Conversations (GSC) program connects participants in the United States, Jordan and Iraq to virtually converse on innovative solutions to the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals impacting their local communities.

This iteration of programming has ended. For information on current programming we support through IREX’s Global Solutions, see here.

Global Solutions Sustainability Challenge (GSSC)

Bi-national teams engage during a six to ten-week period to create a sustainable business solution to a challenge identified by an industry partners across business sectors. Throughout the challenge, participants develop workforce skills, network with industry professionals, and participate in a virtual career fair. At the conclusion of GSSC, bi-national teams submit a video pitch and business plan for their prototype to the Virtual Global Business Expo where the top three finalists are selected by an advisory committee comprised of industry professionals and educators. Learn more.

Global Solutions Conversations (GSC)

Binational groups meet weekly over of the course of six weeks and engage in design thinking as they brainstorm creative solutions for the UN Sustainable Development Goals they are passionate about. Through weekly dialogue, participants learn about sustainability, develop cross cultural communication skills, and develop empathy as they learn about another culture and real challenges facing local communities. At the conclusion of the program, all binational groups come together over Zoom to celebrate their innovative sustainable ideas and what they have learned about cross cultural communication.

  • Number of Participants: 3,968
  • Participant Age Group: University/Young Adult
  • Partners in the United States: Florida – Hillsborough Community College; Iowa – Kirkwood Community College; Pennsylvania – Northampton Community College; Virginia – Lord Fairfax Community College, Northern Virginia Community College; Wisconsin – Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
  • Partners in the Middle East and North Africa: Iraq – University of Anbar, Erbil Polytechnic University, Sulaimani Polytechnic University; Jordan – Al-Balqa Applied University, Zain, Luminus Technical University College, Khawarizmi University Technical College
  • Project Duration: April 2019 to June 2023

If you are interested in bringing both or either of these programs to your institution, complete this form.

Global Solutions Sustainability Challenge and Global Solutions Conversations are implemented by IREX and is supported by the J. Christopher Stevens Virtual Exchange Initiative (JCSVEI). JCSVEI is a U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs program administered by the Aspen Institute.