
2024 Call for Testimonials

Has virtual exchange transformed your life? We’d love to hear about it!

Each year, we feature testimonials from virtual exchange participants and alumni as a touchstone of our International Education Week celebrations. In 2025, we’ll mark ten years of preparing rising generations of global leaders to build peace and prosperity. In celebration of these milestones, we’re inviting participants, alumni, and — for the very first time — facilitators of Stevens Initiative-funded programs to share reflections on the incredible value and impact of virtual exchange. 

By taking a few minutes to complete our submission form, you’ll help us harness the power of authentic stories to create more opportunities for young people to develop cross-cultural connections. We’ll turn compelling narratives into a driving force for our mission: to connect rising generations of leaders virtually, bridging the cultural divide to unite humanity through virtual exchange.

Deadline and Questions

Submit a testimonial/quote by 4pm U.S. Eastern Time on Monday, October 14, 2024. Any questions can be submitted to the Stevens Initiative at

Guidance for Testimonials

We often share about the value of virtual exchange, but it’s important to tell the stories of those directly impacted by these experiences. We want to show the world how virtual exchange is preparing the next generation of global leaders to build a more peaceful and prosperous world, but we can’t do it without you! To help guide you, choose one of the following prompts:

Participant/alumni prompts

  1. As a leader in virtual exchange, the Stevens Initiative works to foster the next generation of leaders. How have you become an active leader in your community since your virtual exchange? 
  2. We often look to ambassadors and elected officials to act as diplomats on behalf of our communities, but virtual exchange gives young people everyday opportunities to bridge the cultural divide to connect humanity. How have you acted to represent your culture or region by engaging with peers from different places, making an impact otherwise not possible? 
  3. Today, the world faces many interconnected challenges — such as climate change, human rights, mental health epidemics, economic equality, and more — that require urgent and sweeping responses. However, young people aren’t always put in the driver’s seat to solve these issues. How has virtual exchange enabled you to take action in your everyday life to address one or more global challenges?
  4. Participating in a virtual exchange can prepare young people for the workforce by giving them opportunities to improve their resumes, expand their networks, and develop critical thinking and cultural fluency skills needed to be successful in an ever changing world. How did virtual exchange uniquely prepare you for your career? 
  5. Virtual exchange offers a unique opportunity unlike other education or international experiences. What is the most memorable thing about your virtual exchange – a new skill, perspective, friendship, memory, etc. – that you think you’ll carry with you throughout your life?

Educators/facilitator prompts

  1. Can you share an example of how virtual exchange enables you to go beyond what you’re teaching in textbooks and help your students apply their learnings to real-world experiences?
  2. Today, the world faces many interconnected challenges — such as climate change, human rights, mental health epidemics, economic equality, and more — that require urgent and sweeping responses. However, young people aren’t always put in the driver’s seat to be able to solve these issues. How has virtual exchange enabled the young people you reach to address one or more global challenges? 
  3. Virtual exchange provides educators and facilitators with global professional development opportunities, such as training, workshops, webinars, and online courses. How has virtual exchange contributed to your continuous education and/or career training? 
  4. We know that today, educators face limited capacity and resources available to maximize student time, benefit, and engagement. What would you share with other educators or facilitators about the benefits of implementing virtual exchange as a low-burden learning opportunity for students?

Please find below two examples of testimonials submitted by Stevens Initiative participants/alumni. We also welcome you to explore selected testimonials from previous years. Note that all of these are examples. Your testimonial should be your own.

  • “Being given the opportunity to represent the youth of my community in order to make a positive impact is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. The leaders of my community have been open to hear anything I have to say, and I realize that the unheard voices of others like me are extremely vital to bring about change.”
  • “The Business & Culture program prepared me well for my future. Regardless of where you are, you don’t just work with one culture. The U.S. is a mixture of cultures and most people have to learn how to operate among those. Taking a class like Business & Culture really prepares you for this — it puts you in the right mindset. It’s a great way to learn how to operate in a globalized work environment and internationally connected world.”

Responses should be:

  • Understood by people who may not know what virtual exchange is or who you are. Your response shouldn’t require any background information. Anyone should be able to understand it without any other details.
  • Written in complete sentences. 
  • Written in the first person (I, me).
  • Written in English.
  • No longer than two sentences or 60 words.
  • Written by you! We know that AI, such as ChatGP,T is a helpful resource, but these testimonials are meant to represent your unique experience, perspective, and voice. 

Highlighting Your Submission

We want your voice to be heard! Your experience is the best way to highlight the power of virtual exchange. All submissions are valuable to showcasing the incredible impact of virtual exchange. Due to limited space and capacity, the Stevens Initiative will only be able to feature a limited number of testimonials. Selected testimonials will be featured on our website and social media platforms during International Education Week (November 18-22) and in materials throughout the Initiative’s 10 year anniversary in 2025. Testimonials may also be used in other Stevens Initiative publications and public materials in the future. 

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