
Breakouts is a collection of multimedia projects that capture the most engaging, inspiring, and insightful illustrations of the power of virtual exchange. We know that to tell the story of virtual exchange in new and diverse ways, we need to uplift the voices of our outstanding network of providers, practitioners, researchers, participants, and alumnus/a. This isn’t just another one-off campaign, it’s a collective effort to reimagine virtual exchange and inspire adoption on a global scale – fueled by YOU. 

In 2024, we’re thrilled to bring you even more opportunities to use your voice for virtual exchange! You can participate in Breakouts by pitching a multimedia project that highlights your diverse perspectives and contributions to the field. Centered on a guiding theme, each edition will spotlight compelling anecdotes, insights, best practices, data, testimonials, short stories, and more. 

Much like the breakout rooms at the heart of virtual exchange, this is an opportunity to bring together diverse perspectives and contributions. Whether you have something new you want to share or existing work that deserves a spotlight in Breakouts, we want to hear from you. Select projects will be featured on our website and promoted across our social media channels. 

Together, we’ll tell the story of virtual exchange in a variety of ways, to showcase the best of the field to new audiences and elevate untold stories.

Fall 2024 Theme: UN Sustainable Development Goals

As we navigate complex global challenges, from climate change to social inequality, the SDGs serve as a roadmap for building a more equitable, sustainable world. Through virtual exchange, we have a unique opportunity to foster cross-cultural understanding, knowledge sharing, and collaboration across borders, all of which are essential for advancing the SDGs.

In celebration of SDG Mobilization Day on September 24, we’re seeking multimedia projects that illuminate the role of virtual exchange in addressing specific SDGs. Whether it’s showcasing initiatives that promote quality education (SDG 4), highlighting innovations in sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11), or sharing stories of partnerships for the goals (SDG 17), we’re eager to hear from our diverse community of contributors. Contributors are encouraged to draw upon their own experiences, insights, and research to demonstrate how virtual exchange can be a powerful tool for driving progress towards one or more SDGs. From case studies and best practices to personal testimonials and data-driven analyses, there are countless ways to contribute to this collective effort.

Want to learn more about the UN SDGs or gain inspiration for your pitch? Explore our curated list of resources here or read up on all 17 goals here

You must be 18 or older to submit a pitch.

Campaign Timeline

  • June 17, 2024: Pitches Open
  • July 19, 2024: Pitch Deadline
  • July 26, 2024: Pitch Acceptance/Denial Notifications
  • August 16, 2024: Deliverable Drafts Due
  • August 16-31, 2024: Deliverable Refinement/Editing 
  • August 31-September 6 2024: Contributors Review and Approve Deliverables
  • September 6: Deliverables Finalized
  • September 16, 2024: Campaign Launch

Please note, dates are subject to change. The Stevens Initiative will reach out to you directly if you are impacted by any deadline and/or campaign rollout changes.


Contributors should follow the below process:

    1. Submit a pitch by the deadline via this form, including a brief summary and identified medium (e.g. social media content, written piece, datapoint or infographic, poem, painting, photo, etc.). 
    2. The Initiative will review pitches and notify contributors of whether their pitch has been selected.
    3. Contributors work with the Initiative to compile information for submission. Involvement in complete drafting will depend on the pitch and contributors’ interest.
    4. The Initiative will edit and share the final draft for approval.
    5. Campaign rollout and amplification.

Past Breakouts Themes