Stevens Initiative Alumni Fellowship

Virtual exchange is a tool to create powerful international experiences for young people, leading to alumni who emerge with transformed outlooks and perspectives. The Stevens Initiative is committed to supporting virtual exchange alumni as they develop professionally and continue building international ties. 

Now in its second year, the Stevens Initiative Alumni Fellowship is a unique opportunity for alumni to continue to build on the skills they learned during their virtual exchange programs. The Fellowship provides virtual exchange alumni from the U.S. and the Middle East and North Africa an opportunity to form meaningful relationships with one another while fostering global learning, professional development, and leadership exploration.

Programming includes monthly virtual sessions, the implementation of collaborative community projects, in-person workshops, reciprocal visits to each Fellows’ home community, and a culminating summit in Washington, DC. From these planned activities, Fellows go on to share what they’ve learned with others in their communities. Learn more about the 2023 Fellows here.

The Alumni Fellowship is supported by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.