• High School/Grades 9-12
  • Undergraduate
  • Graduate
  • Young Adult

PeacePlayer’s Enhancing Global Connections provides over 1,000 young individuals worldwide with access to high-quality training in conflict resolution, community engagement, and leadership, preparing them to make meaningful changes in their communities and beyond. This initiative emphasizes collaboration with partners in the Sport for Development sector, creating lasting relationships among participants through valuable global experiences and the exchange of ideas among a wide variety of organizations. Additionally, the program will provide coaches and educators with innovative educational resources that merge more than 20 years of peacebuilding knowledge with the latest emerging trends.


PeacePlayers coaches from around the world come together to co-design six to eight virtual sessions geared towards young people ages 13-18 and four additional capacity building sessions tailored to the needs of coaches. The sessions will also bring external partners to the table for feedback and the opportunity to engage as co-developers and co-deliverers. Program leads will facilitate live sessions that allow young people and coaches to interact with the content, provide feedback, and share learnings in the virtual space. These sessions will then be available as pre-recordings housed on an online platform for the open access and use by Sport for Development professionals around the world. During the final phase of the program, PeacePlayers will facilitate panel discussions amongst experts in the field and staff that participated in the development and delivery process, to share learnings more broadly around the topics of identifying and developing new materials for the sector.

Program Details

Number of Participants


U.S. States and Territories Reached
    • California
    • Illinois
    • Maryland
    • Michigan
    • New York
Countries and Territories Reached
    • Israel
    • Northern Ireland
    • Palestinian Territories
    • South Africa
Length of Exchange

Six-to-eight youth sessions (30-45 minutes per session) and four coach sessions (45-60 minutes per session) over 12 weeks; plus additional external partner sessions as needed.