The SUNY COIL Center provides professional development training and workshops for professors who pair university courses as part of a virtual exchange for their students.
The SUNY Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) Center supports course development for teaching partnerships and is linked to online academies where participating instructors receive professional development training and instruction on implementing virtual exchanges in their classrooms. Based on an “experiential modelling” approach, teachers – through the process of completing tasks – engage in the kind of collaborative activities that their students in COIL courses will subsequently undertake. Paired teachers co-lead virtual exchanges between their classrooms in the United States and the Middle East and North Africa in courses ranging from Business and Administration to Marketing to French.
- Number of Participants: 2,772
- Participant Age Group: Undergraduate/Young Adult
- Partners in U.S.: SUNY System
- Partners in the Middle East and North Africa: American University of Technology, American University in Cairo, Université Mohamed Premier in Oujda
- Project Duration: 23 Months (February 2016 – December 2017)