Training Profile

Faculty and Senior International Officer COIL Training Program

Going Global U

  • COIL and Other Networks

The Going Global U Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) Training Program offers a comprehensive set of proven strategies for training university faculty and administrative leadership. This comprehensive training program is tailored to participating universities. A set of program services empowers faculty scholar pairs to design and implement high impact learning collaborations among students in their courses, so students develop the critical global problem-solving skills needed for today’s highly connected work and civic life. This training helps university leaders grow the number of COIL courses offered in subsequent years, to reach an ever-expanding number of students. Participants receive certificates of participation and mentorship.

Training Details

Participant profile

Educators (Faculty/Teacher/Learning Facilitator) who reach undergraduate and graduate students

Length of Training

12.5 hours over 7 weeks


Virtual or in-person; on demand



Point of Contact

Greg Tuke,