Training Profile

Making the Case for Education Abroad

The Forum on Education Abroad

  • Other Workshops or Trainings

In the current environment, international education faculty, staff and administrators often find themselves struggling to capture resources in institutional environments that too often appear to pit student success, equity, and engagement offices against each other. This is despite the fact that these offices often have shared interests. This series invites participants to look for opportunities for coalition building across offices and use shared evidence to make the local case for education abroad as part of larger institutional narratives & priorities (e.g., student engagement and success, quality of instruction, inclusive climate and belonging, sustainability, work readiness, etc.). Participants receive guidance and resources for tapping into existing institutional research and effective efforts to advocate for internationalization or global learning.

Training Details

Participant profile

Educators (Faculty/Teachers/Learning Facilitators) in the United States who reach undergraduate and graduate students

Length of Training

One hour





Point of Contact

Dr. Mary Price;